osmokrator's Structure and Colours

Cosmokrator is a three-dimensional icon containing within it many cosmic verities that are helpful to us in understanding our position in the world. We can use it both as a serious icon and a frivolous trinket. On this website, by way of introduction, we explain a few generalities about it mostly from light-hearted angles, so as to give an overview of its potential – to make a start it is best first to use Cosmokrator quite superficially by playing with the idea of the separate pairs of opposites - the Spanner/Veil approach - so as not to overwhelm you with the myriad possibilities of Cosmokrator all at once, many of which you personally might never want to use.

Reconstructed for modern consumption from ancient sources, the Greek word, ‘Cosmokrator’ means 'Ruler of the Cosmos’. ‘Cosmos’ itself means ‘Ordered Universe’. Our choice of name blends the word, ‘Protractor’ (a Perspex semicircular instrument used to measure angles) – with the Greek word for ‘Ruler’, in English a ruler is the simplest instrument of all used for measuring - suggesting that Cosmokrator, too, is a measuring instrument for most aspects of the Cosmos. It is like an X-ray viewer that enables us to see and gain control of our surroundings, and then within reason to rule them and ourselves wisely. It can be used by child or adult alike on simple or complex levels.

Your model is a Cosmos ruler in the form of a coloured cuboctahedron encompassing the entire colour spectrum, so it conveniently sums up in miniature the building blocks, or wave-bands of our Universe, and the laws which operate both within and beyond us. We will come to see separate clusters of Building Blocks taken together as ‘Spanners’ (an approach appealing more to men), and the same groups seen from the point of view of Wavebands as ‘Veils’ (a viewpoint we find appeals more to women).

Cosmokrator does not claim to be a star map showing the signs of the zodiac in the order they would be in the sky (these are already available in the shops). The model is a symbolic representation, in terms of colour, of not just the sky zones surrounding Earth that the Sun passes through during the year, but also of their main qualitative moods, which are universal because they can be applied to other octaves of our existence.

Cosmokrator gives you the opportunity to absorb astrology in its most up-to-date form, as it will be increasingly used in the Age of Aquarius that is dawning upon us. In comparison to most other astrology aids, we are using Aquarian Age astrology for the first time in three-dimensional form. The system of the twelve planets to twelve signs, the inclusion of the Polar Axis, and their use on a cuboctahedron were Charles Musès' contribution (he was an adviser to Linda Goodman). Where in the past some planets have been rulers of two signs, the true rulers of Taurus (Pan) and Virgo (Vulcan) have now been allocated after astronomers have confirmed that indeed perturbations on the very outside and very inside of our solar system indicate their presence. Interestingly, the ancients already knew about Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Vulcan and Pan. Present-day astrologers have almost digested the effects of including the first three into the framework of the Seven-Planet Classical astrological tradition, but only a few have started to handle the last two. Linda Goodman in her books on astrology acknowledges her debt to Charles Musès but is still conservative in her application of Vulcan and Pan in her books (she does mentioned them in her prefaces) - so if you are a Virgo or a Taurus you will have to work in the implications of your true ruling planets for yourselves when you use her books.

Cosmokrator encapsulates Seven very distinct 'Spanners', or 'Veils'. It consists of fourteen faces, coloured in seven opposed colour pairs that in turn contain a further closely related seven pairs of opposed hues embedded in the first set - adding up to 28 colours in all, some of them metallic.

Cosmokrator happens also to have the signs of the zodiac and its ruling planets drawn on it, but this is only one level of its use. When not using the Astrology Spanner/Veil (actually a very advanced one, being Spanner/Veil No. 6), you can completely ignore the symbols and just concentrate on colours, numbers and their musical notes (see Books 0 and 1).

Having said that, Cosmokrator as a three-dimensional colour zodiac reflects rather well the all-encompassing heavens, like the Roman Sphere of Urania, and we will use these aspects of Cosmokrator for amusement as you familiarise yourself with it. Because it is enriched by colour, it is a more multipurpose instrument than our Neolithic predecessors’ stone balls (see under Cosmokrator’s Purpose and Origins). You may want to move between this section and the Getting Started section which gives you a preliminary exercise to take you round the 'geography' of the model once you have assembled it.

osmokrator’s Colours

The most appealing feature of the model is its colours. These days urban humans are more cut off from a sense of cosmic order than probably it ever has been. Colour is one of the last reverberations of the Music of the Spheres to which the soul is still comparatively open. According to laws of correspondence each colour (sometimes metallic) really does match the nature of the astrological sign and ruling planet and thus provides an easy avenue to learning and understanding not only music, number and shape, but their advanced combination in astrology (almost the most complex Spanner/Veil the universe has to offer us). But on the website itself we will introduce only one component within Cosmokrator to start with, the idea of opposites as duality or complementarity (symbolised by – the Ying-Yang) - our Spanner 1/Veil 1 - very easy to spot, and to use.

We call the division of anything into its two opposites Spanner 1, or Veil 1 - which is the simplest division of the Octave to understand and apply (in music it equates to the diapason, or Doh upper Doh/ or middle C top C played simultaneously). The Black-White opposition is the most extreme case, but the colours of the spectrum, too, can be arranged in sets of opposites, and they appear as 7 pairs on alternate sides of Cosmokrator all the way round.

As shown in the Getting Started section, when you take the model in your two hands with your right forefinger on the black triangle uppermost, and your lower forefinger underneath on the silver triangle exactly opposite, you are orientating yourself on the Polar Axis. When you put it down on a table or mantelpiece with the silver triangle on the bottom, the facet that is uppermost is its opposite.

As you spin Cosmokrator round on its Black-White axis, you may notice that it has a cool, purple/blue/green half which could stand for the colder half of the year, and a hot, red/orange/yellow half for the hotter half of the year, but they spiral into each other in a three-dimensional Ying-Yang movement.

On Cosmokrator the Signs and their ruling Planets are also arranged in pairs of opposite colours (their actual sequence in the sky, given in the order of the colours of the rainbow, is given in the diagram under Cosmokrator and Astrology) - so that we can see more clearly their character in terms of colour energies. So to find the actual opposite of the colour of your Sun sign, as you spin the model round with your two hands or set it down on the polar axis with your sun sign uppermost, the corresponding twin (a square or triangle) under it will give you your opposite.

For people wanting to use the Cosmokrator colours in their own diagrams, we give below a list of the acrylic paints we used on the prototype for Cosmokrator. With a few exceptions, the paints are made by Winsor & Newton (alternative products are specifically named where a W&N hue did not exist). These are much truer than the printed colours on the model which are the best the print technology could achieve! On the website itself the colours have been given their precise RGB numbers (also given in the chart below), and these in fact are the closest to the ideal colours we are after for Cosmokrator if it is to really ‘sing’. We will use these colours in the illustrations to our booklets, some of whose diagrams you may want to draw out and colour in yourself, to become used to using them in your life.

The colour allocations given below as used in Aquarian Astrology and in our Tables of Correspondences are for private study use only. Please apply to the copyright owner on asia@cosmokrator.com if you use these matchings on your own products or books for sale – they took a long time to perfect! We ask this because they took years of work to check and prove, but we will be generous in giving permission!

In paint form all the colours will be available at any good artist supplies shop. Obviously it is important to get as close to the right colour or metal as possible if it is to be a true reflection of universal musical intervals.